From Data Assets to AI Insights

Data-Driven Solutions for Manufacturing and Agriculture

I’ve worked with amazing companies

  • MTN
  • Hollard
  • Mastercard
  • Government Communication and Information System
  • ACSA
  • Green Life
  • BMW
  • AMKA

Selected work

Discover real-world examples of how my data science expertise has transformed businesses in the manufacturing and agriculture sectors, from building data assets to delivering actionable insights.


Case study

Nestify's Data Nest: Hatching Revenue Growth

Nestify revolutionized its short-term rental optimization using data science, geographical coordinates, and clustering techniques to maximize revenue and competitiveness.

Hello Group

Case study

Rural Reach: Dialing into South Africa's Unbanked Frontier

Developing a mobile survey tool to assess the viability of a new banking product for Hello Group, targeting rural and migrant populations in South Africa.


Case study

Sentiment Safeguard: Taming Tongues in the Rainbow Nation

Leveraging NLP to decode customer sentiment across South Africa's linguistic landscape, boosting Hollard's customer retention and acquisition strategies.

Few people show such passion for understanding their client and their business—but Ridhwaan does. I had the pleasure of working closely with Ridhwaan for almost a year. Ridhwaan was hands-on as he managed the project and provided valuable analysis. I was particularly impressed by Ridhwaan's ability to unpack data into meaningful insights for the business. I look forward to working with Ridhwaan in the future. He provides true value to any client. - Ahmed Cassim, MD at Hello Group

Hello Paisa

Services - Empowering businesses with data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

I help businesses make informed decisions by creating organised data assets, developing insightful dashboards, uncovering hidden patterns through deep analytics, and providing accurate predictions using machine learning.

  • Data Asset Creation. I lay the groundwork for your data-driven success with my comprehensive data asset creation service. Through expert data modelling, user-friendly forms, efficient data fetching, and robust engineering of relational data storage, I ensure that your data is organised, accessible, and ready to power your business decisions.
  • Dashboard Development. I transform scattered data sources into a unified, intuitive dashboard that empowers business managers to make informed decisions when opportunities or threats arise. My dashboard development service consolidates your data into a single, easy-to-understand frame, providing the clarity and insight you need to navigate complex business landscapes with confidence.
  • Deep Analytics. I help you dive beneath the surface of your data with my deep analytics service. By leveraging advanced statistical and mathematical methods, combined with my domain expertise, I uncover the hidden patterns and relationships that can be lost in the noise of simultaneous trends. My insights enable you to make data-driven decisions that reduce costs, increase revenue, and create a competitive edge.
  • Predictive Modelling. I enable you to unlock the predictive potential of your data streams with my cutting-edge predictive modelling service. By combining statistical methods with the learning and improvement capabilities of machine learning models, I develop highly accurate forecast models that leverage the vast computing power of the cloud. My models continuously learn from your data assets, enabling you to stay ahead of the curve and make proactive, data-driven decisions that drive your business forward.

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Our offices

  • Johannesburg
    South Africa